How to Use Music to Reduce Customer Wait Time Perception

Waiting at a restaurant

When it comes to managing a busy bar, restaurant, or family entertainment center, ensuring customer satisfaction is the name of the game. But let’s face it, waiting can be a drag—whether it’s for a table, their food order, or a turn to bowl, nobody likes to feel like they’re watching paint dry. The perception of how long customers been waiting can significantly impact their overall experience. Recently we wrote about The Impact on Music Videos on Customer Dwell Time but, interestingly, the music you play can also be a powerful tool in managing and improving these perceptions.

The Impact of Music on Perceived Wait Times

Studies have shown that music not only entertains but also affects how we perceive the passage of time. According to a study published in the Front Psychol journal, background music can significantly reduce the perceived duration of waiting times. The study found that participants who listened to music felt that their wait was shorter compared to those who waited in silence.

For businesses, this means that incorporating background music isn’t just about enhancing the ambiance, it’s also a strategic tool for improving customer experience. By carefully selecting appropriate music, companies can make waits less daunting and more enjoyable, subtly increasing customer satisfaction and perceived efficiency. This professional application of music turns a simple entertainment tool into a powerful component of customer service strategy.

Choosing the Right Music

The type of music played can have varying effects on perception. A study by the University of Buckingham that fast-tempo music can enhance the perception of time passing quickly, making it useful in environments where businesses want customers to stay for shorter periods. Slow-tempo music can create a more relaxed atmosphere but may lead to longer perceived waiting times.

This suggests that bars and bowling centers, where the energy is typically higher, will benefit from upbeat, faster-tempo music. In contrast, restaurants aiming for a relaxed dining experience may opt for slower, softer background music to enhance the leisurely dining experience. While this may not speed up the perception of time, it definitely makes waiting a part of the relaxed dining experience, turning those minutes into moments of relaxation.

Friends putting on bowling shoes

Music as a Distraction

Music acts as a distraction, capturing people’s attention and easing the sting of waiting. It’s especially effective in places like family entertainment centers, where waiting is just part of the fun, whether you’re in line for a thrilling ride or anticipating your turn at the latest arcade game. By engaging the senses, a well-chosen playlist can transform potentially tedious wait times into an enjoyable part of the experience.

Volume and Genre Considerations

When selecting music for your venue, both the volume and genre are crucial. If the music is too loud or doesn’t align with your customers’ preferences, it can increase tension and dissatisfaction rather than enhance the atmosphere. Ideally, the music should subtly complement the environment without overwhelming it. Additionally, it’s important to adjust the volume based on how busy your venue is, as the crowd grows, slightly increasing the volume can help maintain the energy and ensure the music remains an integral part of the atmosphere.

Implementing Music Strategically

To implement music as a tool to enhance customer experience and reduce perceived wait times, venues should consider the following steps.

Know Your Crowd: Dive deep into the tastes and vibes of your regulars. Understanding your demographics and who’s grooving through your doors helps you hit the right notes with your music selection.

Mix It Up with Tempo: Shake things up! Play with different beats and rhythms to see what gets your space buzzing just right. Fast tracks for the busy bursts and mellow tunes for the chiller moments.

Crank Up Quality Sound: Don’t skimp on sound! Invest in a top-notch sound system and consider teaming up with Control Play. We take the time to understand your business and offer curated playlists and scheduled music programming tailored to different parts of the day and customer flow.

Feedback is Your Friend: Keep those ears open for what your patrons are saying. Regular check-ins on atmosphere, wait times, and specifically music will help you refine your approach.

With these steps, you’re not just playing music; you’re crafting an unforgettable experience that keeps the vibe alive and the clocks unnoticed!

couple dancing at the bar


By strategically utilizing music, bars, restaurants, and entertainment venues can significantly enhance customer experiences by reducing the negative perceptions of waiting times. As research shows, the thoughtful integration of music into the service environment can not only distract and entertain but maybe you can transform waiting time into an enjoyable part of the customer experience.

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